The Origins of the Pandemic.

Melissa Enders
4 min readMar 12, 2023


We will never be able to gather physical evidence that China genetically engineered COVID-19 for eugenics. Shortly after the outbreak, they invited WHO scientists to their labs to examine them. They had cleaned all traces of it. The labs they were invited to, were probably not even the labs the virus was created in.

How I arrived at that conclusion was pure logic, and the sheer probability through logic.

Before Omicron:

The fatality rate in China was 1 in 20.

The fatality rate in the world was 1 in 4.


This. Why delete data that could help the world’s virologists create effective vaccines and preempt future mutations of the virus?


The sudden monstrous mutation from previous variants of COVID-19 to the Omicron virus, with the 30 spike protein profile mutation.

A virus is like any species. They aim for positive frequency-dependent selection with phenotypes or genotypes becoming more common.

Omicron became less transmissible, and less fatal, becoming similar to an endemic serious influenza.

Omicron was engineered by China, too, as a way to kill previous variants of the virus, to control the future mutability of the virus, to end the virus. The virus, Omicron, was the antidote to COVID-19.

4. Going back to 2020, I was reading the papers on the Kawasaki disease from the Toronto Sick Kids hospital. I noticed a reverse correlation between the susceptibility of COVID-19 on children with Kawasaki disease. There are some diseases which are destructively synergistic, such as malaria and HIV, but Kawasaki is a developmental genetic disorder.

5. During the height of the pandemic, in 2021, May 31, 2021, China announced a three child policy. This was a leap from their long-standing one child policy, with the two child policy hardly being tested. Why would a country announce such a historical reversal in population control policy during a pandemic? It was for cultural curation, eugenics.

6. During the height of the pandemic, the Oxford Vaccine Group’s AstraZeneca vaccine was suddenly blocked from the European Union. A large order had been placed, and there were reports of there being a high chance of blood clots caused by the vaccine. I tracked countries where AstraZeneca was being used, and the chances of blood clots was 0.2%, not noteworthy. The vaccine was blocked because it was engineered different from most other vaccines, and more effective against COVID-19.

7. After the Omicron variant was released, there was a four month lag in population response between China and the rest of the world. The data is clearer when you view the graph in logarithmic scale. The four month lag can only be explained by the fact that China engineered the virus to affect Chinese genes differently from any other genes.


The only reason I know that they were stopped before their planned ending of the virus, is that for a eugenics bioterrorism global attack, to make a relative difference to the size of their 1.4 billion population, they would aim for at least 2 billion dead. The virus stopped at 6 million before Omicron.


The only reason I know that I stopped them, directly, was that I communicated to them directly, the significance of David Quammen’s groundbreaking findings in The Tangled Tree — that in horizontal gene transfer, mosquitoes are responsible for up to 9% of our genes. This finding isn’t popularized in the scientific community, yet, but is empirically proven.

China already knows about zoonotic leaps. Their virus was engineered with knowledge of the viral enveloping cross-species. What was new, in my communications to them, was that their calculations on how COVID-19 would eventually affect the Chinese genetic population, are off. They are off because they have miscalculated the Founder’s Effect Genetic Drift. That’s all.


Using the statistics of the Founder’s Effect Genetic Drift, I spotted the BA.2.75.2 as the most dangerous variant, with the potential for cross-species mutability. I posted this, and a couple weeks later, the South China Morning Post, China’s state newspaper, responded admitting to the variant being the most dangerous one. In that same post, I pointed to Japanese scientists’ approach to it in their latest paper.

Unless there is, not one, not two, but a systematic review of international geneticists, virologists, epidemiologists agreeing on the complete explanation of the sudden mutation of COVID-19 to the Omicron variant, this remains the largest signifier that the virus was engineered.

There has been, so far, no systematic review and international scientific consensus of how COVID-19 could have naturally biologically evolved from zoonotic transfer, unlike in the bird flu and swine flu, where specific species could be identified.

There will be no physical evidence present.

Nothing short of a confession from China will be evidence that COVID-19 is a global eugenics bioterrorism attack.

This is logic, and sheer mathematical probability.

The unanswered questions, the proof, have now been published in this paper. I directly accuse them of eugenics, while being clear that we will never have physical evidence of such.





Melissa Enders

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway.