Patents and tusks.

Melissa Enders
3 min readOct 23, 2021

See the problem?

It’s linked to global supply chains.

Who, which conglomerate has access to top class global supply chains, and which don’t?

Private companies. Not governments.

This is why the White House has announced the expansion to 24/7 at the port of Los Angeles, to begin.

I’m going back to my essay on the China virus.

A quick recap: China’s manufacturing the virus and the vaccines. Poison and antidote. Players all over the globe are in it.

There are so many pharmaceutical companies playing this game right now. Most of them are the same company. You can tell by the mix-and-match vaccinations that are going on without any of the companies objecting to them.

So they’ll ship whatever they want to ship. Vials of the lab virus. And all the vaccines they can profit from.

Private companies. Not governments.

That’s the problem, linked to global supply chains.

Except these people.

No patents for developing countries, no governmental rollout of vaccines, no private investment in global supply of these vaccines to countries they won’t profit from, developing countries are being subjected to selective evolution — being killed off faster than people in developed countries.

I talk a lot about patents. It’s the key to everything. Intellectual property in the age of the panopticon of Technocracy.

This is a patent:

“We will tell you publicly what the method is to any product. But we have put it on a piece of paper that says that if you use the method, you will be committing a crime of theft. Therefore, you have no choice but to buy our product.”

Are you crazy? Do you really think that patents must exist simply because they already currently do?

I talk a lot about *global systemic interlinked corruption*. My stance is that history is fractal, and we will never be free of every ill that plagues society unless we understand *global systemic interlinked corruption*.

This is World War III.

We fight it every day working 9–5. We are all part of the moving world of culture, rights, and freedoms.

Moving on from the China virus.

Next patent.

CBD oil. A non-psychoactive component of cannabis. (For those unfamiliar — the part that doesn’t make you high.)

There is a reason weed is illegal in almost every country. It isn’t just a fear of a cultural uprising as people gain higher consciousness. CBD is only one component, the non-psychoactive component, yet, still blocked from almost every country.

The American Cancer Society and the Worldwide Cancer Research Society are all corrupt by Big Pharma.

How do I know this? Immunotherapy. It’s a painless method for treating cancer. It costs over $100,000 per year, which is 3 times the median annual wage of an American worker. Chemotherapy is all people can afford. Immunotherapy is a little known cure for the rich.

Here’s real science — — CBD is the most promising accessible medicine for cancer.

The kicker?

The United States Federal Government owns the patent to CBD.

It’s been a long time running. Not the fault of the current administration.

Can we do something about this? 1 in 6 people die of cancer.

Anyone from any country?

Oh, fuck off.

It’s a long war.

No one’s going to fight over patents right now.

But we can get rid of the concept entirely.



Melissa Enders

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway.