China’s virus.

Melissa Enders
4 min readAug 4, 2021

Covid 2021.

Situation’s dire, but read on.

I made a video earlier, and changed my mind about staying off the war room.

We do not have time to reel from the fact that China manufactured the virus in a laboratory.

We do not have time to reel from that fact that China is rolling out both virus variants and vaccines, selling both poison and antidote at the same time.

Nonetheless, we need to get vaccinated, for herd immunity, to protect each other. For now, because we already have poison, we’ll take the antidote.

We do not have the time to reel from the fact that China openly declared they did it. China did it, they are confident they will be able to forever continue doing it, and wanted us to know.

We didn’t “catch them in the act”. They wanted us to know.

I’ll repeat what I said in the video for those who missed it.

I knew that the virus was genetically engineered. In 2020, I studied the papers of Toronto Sick Kids’ hospital, where they found an anomaly — a genetic susceptibility between the Kawasaki disease and Covid. I reported it to the Oxford Vaccine group, who were manufacturing the AstraZeneca vaccine, and they blocked me on Twitter because they had to.

Now, everyone in power knew that the virus was manufactured in a lab. Every advanced country has geneticists. They do not simply study the virus with epidemiology or virology. Logic. If there were suspicions that it was manufactured in a laboratory in China from the start, they would have investigated it within their own genetics labs.

The World Health Organization does not care. Logic, again. As the WHO, they have the access to every single scientist in every single field. Yet, they publicized a valiant physical travel attempt to go to China to investigate their labs, when it makes no sense. On the premise that China was their enemy and had created the virus, China would have cleaned their tracks and shown no evidence had they arrived. It was optics. China blocked them as part of the optics, as part of the narrative that the World Health Organization can be trusted.

Back to the Oxford Vaccine Group and AstraZeneca.

The EU sued AstraZeneca for “failing to meet target deliveries”. This is absurd. Logic. Why would a pharmaceutical company fail to compete in a competitive market? Logic. If AstraZeneca didn’t work, why would the EU spend time suing them instead of switching to another pharmaceutical company, during a crisis?

This. This is good news.

This means that not all pharmaceutical companies are in Big Pharma.

It means that there are some pharmaceutical companies who are capable of creating vaccines preempting China’s next rollout variant of the virus.

This is why the EU sued AstraZeneca. — — because their vaccines were going to work against China’s next rollout.

Now, AstraZeneca is obviously dead in the water. Before I said so.

Good news. Scientists all over the world care.

There are scientists all over the world — molecular genetics scissoring experts, examining the virus, breaking their backs to figure out a way to create vaccines that can counter not only the current variant, but all future variants.

I repeat.

Not all pharmaceutical companies are in Big Pharma.

There are pharmaceutical companies who are capable of creating vaccines preempting China’s next rollout variant of the virus, or vaccinating us completely from every future rollout.

Now, why should you care?

I will tell you why.

This goes beyond the Illuminati’s global reach of Big Pharma.

3 child policy. China’s 3 child policy announced 30 May 2021, D.C. time.

China is playing both sides. The Illuminati’s and their own.

“I’ll make this virus. You’ll sell it. We’ll profit from it. And keep profiting from it. We don’t care how many people die from it.”

And –

“We have to increase China’s population.” A long running 1 child policy, suddenly dropped.

This is about cultural curation. Man curating evolution.

Do you think that because China launched Binance that they no longer care about their cultural heritage and pride? Why does the Great Wall of China’s Internet still exist? Why the undying insistence on Chinese as their primary language, and the reluctance to educate their youths in English?

They’re playing both sides.

Back to evolutionary curation.

1 in 20 fatality rate in China from Covid.

1 in 4 fatality rate worldwide from Covid.

They abhor Anglosaxon cultures. They have complete indifference towards other cultures, India, Africa, etc.

They’re playing both sides.

This is going to take a long time.

Every country has already selected their vaccine provider.

I do not know how many more variants it will take before better pharmaceutical companies pop up, and I do not know how long it will take to convince you that China is killing your culture.

That China has unleashed a plague upon the world, and regards themselves as Noah’s Ark.

World Leaders, over to you.



Melissa Enders

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway.